Gauverband logo Edelweiss flower
Edelweiss fahne
german flag

bavarian flag

About our Fahne

The first Fahne (flag) of our Verein was designed and made in Munich in 1935. The Fahne was blessed during Mass in St. Mary Sorrows Church. After many years of exposure the Fahne began to show wear so it was decided that this Fahne should be retired. A new Fahne was made in Munich with only one change that being the year of the blessing. The second Fahnenweihe took place in the Villa Maria Chapel in July, 1968. The first Fahne is now housed in a cultural museum in Holzhausen, Bavaria in a temperature controlled atmosphere.
One side has the abbreviated name of our Verein, "Schuhplattler Gebirgstrachten Verein Edelweiss, Inc." and our home city Buffalo, New York. In the center is a couple wearing Tracht with a mountain scene in the background and is surrounded in a wreath of alpine flowers. They are Edelweiss, Enzian and Alpenrose (Alpine rose) and Frauenschuh (Ladies' slipper).
The shields that adorn the corners designate the following:
   Gegr. is the abbreviation for the founding date which is 1933.
   Gew. Is the abbreviation for the Geweiht (sacred blessing) in 1968.
On the reverse side the cluster of flowers in the center are Edelweiss, Enzian and Alpenrosen. Our motto is inscripted "Sitt und Tracht der Alten wollen wir erhalten!". The translation "We uphold the old customs and costumes". The inner design is encircled with Edelweiss flowers.